Thursday, November 1, 2007


We had a great Halloween this year, it started out with going to Microsoft to eat lunch with daddy and than trick-or-treat around all the offices. They also had great things for the kids to do while waiting for the dad's to get off work. Maddie loved the arts and craft room. She made a mask and colored some pictures. We then went over to meet the Johnson's for some more trick-or-treating and to take pics. Jen took some great pics of Madelyn and our family thanks jen! Later we left and visited Grandma at her work so she could see her little princess fairy. After we headed out to Snoqualmie to trick-or-treat with our good friends the Bailey's and Simon's. Maddie had so much fun keeping her "happy feet" on the whole time. She could have gone for another hour or so if I would have let her. Nothing is better than seeing your little girl go to the door saying "Cheet" which is "treat" and than having her, Issy, and Taylor grab as much candy as they could. It was hilarious. We had a great night. Next year we will be in our house yeah! finally being able to decorate it and go in our neighborhood also. It might be a little more challenging with a 2.5 yr old as well as 10 month old. Can't wait.... Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween...
Visiting Daddy at work and Madelyn coloring her mask
Maddie,mom,Moses,Dottie, and Jen
Our little princess
Trick-or-treating to Granma's work
Maddie saying "cheet" and Issy saying "open the door"
Happy Halloween 2007
(thx jen for the photography)


Bailey Bunch said...

We had a fun time trick or treating with you guys!:) I am glad your whole day was fun!:)

Reese said...

Cute pics! Glad you guys had a fun Halloween. Maddie looks very girlie! :)

Unguren said...

Love the pictures. She looks so cute in her costume. I think that little girl costumes are so cute.


Karine said...

What a cute little costume! She is darling!

Carly said...

Looks like you had a great day! Maddie is so darling!!

Angie said...

What a cutie! Maddie looks so grown up! How are you feeling?

Charis said...

Microsoft has many perks :-) She does look so cute in her costume. I can just see her doing ballet she'd be so cute in ballet attire :-) Happy Halloween.

Wendy said...

Love the black and white pict of Maddie in her costume!!

Jessica Jo said...

fun pictures, she looks adorable!