Last night we prepared her for a fun 3 days a week for 4hrs of Miss Sue's class by laying out her clothes and making sure her backpack and lunch box are ready. When she woke up this morning she was so excited and hardly ate any breakfast which she picked out chocolate doghnuts her favorite. As we were dropping her off she was so excited to see her friends, ran back to hug us both and she was off... Chad and I both teared up knowing that from this time on she will be in school and not home with us.
Already walking away from me :( She was so excited for Preschool
Madelyn and her friend Natalie
She couldn't even wait 5min when coming home to change and eat her cookie that she made
Well we made it, definetely a quiet house today besides Trey asking where "Maama" was. After school we picked her up and for the next few hours we heard all about her fun day mostly about "Hershey" the guinni pig and "criss cross applesauce" which she learned at circle time. We then decided to celebrate with ice cream and to once again here about her amazing day...
Later on we came home for some quiet time which Trey napped as well as Maddie for about an hour and than we had some special time together reading a book and cuddling.
We love this girl so much and are so proud of her
I LOVE preschool, I find that its the only time when I get to really focus on the boy. ;) Glad she likes it!
I need to Blog about preschool too!!
I REALLY do miss you! My GOAL is to call you - sometime tomorrow afternoon! :)
I am so happy she loved Preschool! and of course she looked dang cute! It will be so nice for you to be able to spend time with Trey and Ty can't wait 10 days! love ya
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